A unique story – She is a Muslim, a woman, a fighter jet pilot and fighting so-called ‘Islamists’. But why?
Mariam Al Mansouri tells in the documentary LOVE IS TOLERANCE – TOLERANCE IS LOVE why she is risking her life to fight terrorists from Daesh, the self-proclaimed ‘Islamic State’ (IS, ISIS), as a pilot in an F-16 jet. She is one of several women in the United Arab Emirates Air Force, part of the alliance against Daesh (IS, ISIS).
“Tolerance is acceptance with love and peace. But at some point, we have to protect that tolerance. There must be some critical actions to be taken, to protect whatever we have achieved in the UAE or the world.”
“Tolerance is a global practice and protecting it is a global responsibility.”
For Mariam Al Mansouri, true Islamic countries, like the UAE, defend diversity and tolerance. Mansouri stated, “We are following the Islamic values and applying it in all fields of life to spread love and peace. We need education, legislation and develop the society’s awareness of itself and their consciousness about the importance of tolerance. Then, we can protect tolerance and people’s diversity and cultures being messed with extremism.”