In my school , I study with more than 86 nationalities. Understanding their way of life has enriched my life. Their long-standing virtues, and stories of their forefathers have been impressive. I am 12-year-old living in the world’s most cosmopolitan city – Dubai – in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with residents of over 200 countries, speaking more than 140 languages.
And I hear, many say, my possibilities are limitless in this data driven digital era.
Our diverse society has gone through rapid and astonishing changes. Owing to boom years, and generation X our advancements in technology have been perpetual. Economic dynamism, power struggles and the unprecedented rush in reaching individual pinnacles I have witnessed all around.
In a world where billions are invested to colonize the red planet, yet more than a billion suffer in abject poverty.
And I hear, many say, my possibilities are limitless in this data driven digital era.
The ones who went onto master traits such as reasoning and logic. The ones who went onto populate the globe when husky Neanderthals demise during the ice age. The ones who bonded organically and unconditionally forming communities.
I feel – We have changed.
I feel, we humans, have changed. I feel we have forgotten that we are indispensable when working in packs. I feel that we no longer remember that we are not loners.
Tell me, haven’t we, mindlessly, become less tolerant of those around us? Obdurate. Iconoclastic.
In our world small, yet, so different, there were times, there were times without number, I wished there were more compassion – empathy – and tolerance.
Letting go of shortcomings – willingness to extend a helping hand – more or less, have become ‘‘virtues of past. ‘’
I feel the dearth of words and actions that could make a ‘‘positive impact’’ on those around.
Do you think our scientists believe in ethical obligations of saving us and the planet anymore?
Or their choices are based on ‘gene editing’ which could lead to utter chaos due to unprecedented inequalities?
Human greed perplexes me – Human folly worries me.
And here I am …
And I hear, many say, my possibilities are limitless in this data driven digital era.
But – I tend to wonder.
Tell me, could there be any possibilities “positiv” ‘ in a world brittle and lack acceptance?
I like to see us working together with one another- forging relationships.
Advancing forward gradually but steadily as communities, societies, and countries. Because I feel impatience guarantees defeat most of the time.
The present pandemic having revealed to us of many truths, have we made any significant moral progress ever since? That, I will leave you with to think of.
Isn’t it quite simple that we got to dawdle or flee together? – And There are no individual solutions?
Tell me, has the gap between openness – acceptance – and respect for differences become wider or closer?