The Globe of Tolerance is an art project by Hubertus Hoffmann.
The globe, made in bronze or metal, shows several quotes from prominent Champions of Tolerance in many languages.
The Globe is a global symbol of tolerance and respect, representing the long road towards tolerance of other religions, ethnic minorities and races, and showing the global consensus of humanity.
Imagine all the people Living life in peace…You may say I’m a dreamer…But I’m not the only one…I hope someday you’ll join us….And the world will be as one (John Lennon)
The quotes in nine different languages include Nelson Mandela, Pope John II, Sheikh Zayed, Confucius, Hillel The Elder, King Frederick The Great, Immanuel Kant, Voltaire and John Lennon.
Here some of the Quotes of Tolerance placed on the Globe of Tolerance:
In Hebrew, the Golden Rule of Tolerance, you can find in many religions, here from Rabbi Hillel, Sabbat 31a
מה ששנוא עליך אל תעשה לחברך
Do not do to others, what you do not want others do to you.
In Chinese the same demand from Confucius 15,23
What you do not wish for yourself, do not to other people.
In Arabic
السلام عليكم
Peace be with you!
From Sheikh Zayed, the Founding Father of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Quotes from website of the UAE Embassy in Washington DC and Zaki Nusseibeh, Abu Dhabi.
إن المعيار الوحيد الصالح للحكم على استحقاقات المرء هي، بغض النظر عن إيمانه، أعماله الصالحة.
The only valid criterion for judging man’s merit, regardless of his faith, is his good actions.
أن تكون حقاً متديناً يعني أن تمارس تعاليم إيمانك الخاص الحقيقية بأن تعيش حياةً صالحةً تجلب الفرح والهناء والسلام للذين من حولك.
Being truly religious means fulfilling the true message of your own faith by leading a moral and good life that brings joy, comfort and peace to those around you.
In French from Voltaire, Traité sur la tolérance
Puissent tous les hommes se souvenir qu’ils sont frères.
May all people remember, that they are brothers.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, from „The Little Prince“
On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux…
You only see well with your heart. The essential is hidden from our eyes…
Prussian King Frederick The Great (1712-1786)
A chacun son bonheur.
Everybody should life according to his fashion.
In Portuguese, The Holy Bible, Corinthians 13, 7- 1cor 16.14
Todas as vossas coisas sejam feitas com caridade.
All you do, do with love.
In Russian quote by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Это – универсальный закон: нетерпимость – первый признак не соответсвующего образования. Плохо образованный человек ведет себя с высокомерным нетерпением, тогда как действительно глубокое образование порождает смирение.
It’s an universal law– intolerance is the first sign of an inadequate education. An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility.
In English
Yoko Ono and John Lennon, from their song and video „Image“ from 1971
Image all the people, living life in peace.
You may say I’m a dreamer-
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world be as one.
Charter of the United Nations from June 26th, 1945
We the people of the United Nations…determined to practise tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbors.
Nelson Mandela from South Africa
No one is born hating another person because oft he colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate. If they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the heart than ist opposite.
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book “Love is Tolerance – Tolerance is Love”
Islam is a religion of mercy and tolerance.
In Polish by Pope John Paul II
Najkrótsza droga do Boga, to inny człowiek.
The shortest way to God is your other human being.
In German
By Immanuel Kant
Friede ist kein Naturzustand- er muss gestiftet werden.
Peace is not the natural state, it must be established.
Hubertus Hoffmann, from “Codes der Toleranz” (Herder Verlag 2014)
Gottes DNA ist die Vielfalt.
God’s DNA is diversity.
Steh auf, Du schweigende Mehrheit: für eine bessere Welt.
Silent majority, rise!
Sei tolerant
Be tolerant
If you want to support The Global Tolerance Initiative and buy a globe, please write our team at
Hubertus Hoffmann, THE GLOBE OF TOLERANCE Bronze, each unique with individual mix of different quotes in several languages- the collector can even choose one own quote of tolerance to add to his unique individual bronze globe of tolerance. Diameter 30 cm, stand 10 cm high - € 28,000 + VAT
On the golden “Globe of Tolerance for the UAE”, you can find universal Codes of Tolerance in 13 languages. 30 different world wisdoms to promote tolerance.
View the Globe UAE here.