Globe of Tolerance United Arab Emirates
The Globe of Tolerance UAE, designed by Dr Hubertus and Yvonne Hoffmann, shows the commitment to religious tolerance and inter-religious dialogue in the Islamic United Arab Emirates (UAE).
A great exception in a MENA region, marked by wars and hatred. Reconciliation with Israel in 2020 and even a synagogue in Dubai stand for this. So do the Guru Nanak Darbar Sikh temple and 48 Christian churches in this dynamic Gulf state, a National Tolerance Agenda and the world’s only cabinet Minister for Tolerance. As well as the celebrated visit of Pope Francis to Abu Dhabi in 2019. People from 200 nationalities live there.
Dr Hoffmann, the founder of the Global Tolerance Initiative, knows the UAE well since 2008. February 19, 2020, he was honored in Dubai Opera with the first “Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Tolerance Award” of the United Arab Emirates as “role model who has made a mark on humanity, promoting tolerance, mutual respect, pluralism and peaceful coexistence” for his Codes of Tolerance, using books, art, film, and speeches" (Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of State for Tolerance), “establishing ‘tolerance norms’ at the international level, in addition to promoting interfaith dialogue”.
On his golden Globe of Tolerance for the UAE, you can find universal Codes of Tolerance in 13 languages. 30 different world wisdoms to promote tolerance in Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, French, Portuguese, Polish, English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Greek, Italian, and from India in Gurmakhi. Propagated by thinkers with their individual beliefs of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism.
These are important gold nuggets of peaceful coexistence in a world of diversity with so many cultures and religions. It is an appeal for respect for the different.
For humanity.
Against hatred.
Against violence.
For the common good in all of us.
Defeat evil with a golden heart.
Light the flame of human love.
Follow us on the tour to the beautiful world of global tolerance.
Original Quotations on the Globe with
translations in English
السلام عليكم
The Islamic greeting “Peace be with you!”
إن المعيار الوحيد الصالح للحكم على استحقاقات المرء هي، بغض النظر
عن إيمانه، أعماله الصالحة
Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founding Father of the United
Arab Emirates in 1971: “The only valid criterion for judging man’s
merit, regardless of his faith, is his good actions.”
يجب أن تكون أفضل منا، وأفضل من آبائك وأجدادك.
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and ruler of Abu Dhabi: “You must be better than us, and better than your fathers and grandfathers. This is not an option; you must do this.”
التسامح هي صفة يجب أن نعتز بها ونمارسها.
بل يجب نسجها في نسيج مجتمعنا.
إن التسامح يزيد من القوة والمرونة ويساعد على
إنشاء مجتمع عالمي متماسك.
Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime
Minister of the UAE, Ruler of Dubai:
“Tolerance is a quality we must cherish and practice.
It must be woven into the fabric of our society.
Tolerance increases strength and resilience, and helps
establish a global, cohesive society”
إن التسامح هو مثل الهواء، والناس هم بمثابة الأشجار التي تنتجه
Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance UAE:
“Tolerance is like oxygen and the people are the trees helping to produce
Confucius 15:23: “What you do not wish for yourself, do not do to other
לחברך תעשה אל עליך ששנוא מה
From Rabbi Hillel The Elder, Sabbath 31a:
”Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you.”
Puissent tous les hommes se souvenir qu’ils sont frères
Voltaire, Poem on Tolerance (Traité sur la tolérance):
“Let all the people remember that they are brothers.”
On ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur.
L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, “The Little Prince”: «One sees well only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes. »
A chacun son bonheur
Prussian King Frederick the Great (1712-1786):
“Every man shall be happy after his own fashion.”
Todas as vossas coisas sejam feitas com caridade
The Holy Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:7- 1cor 16.14:
“All that you do, let it be done in love.”
Najkrótsza droga do Boga, to inny człowiek
Pope John Paul II:
“The shortest way of the human being to God is the other human being”.
We, the peoples of the United Nations…determined to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours
Charta of the United Nations, June 26th, 1945
If they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love
Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid leader, later President of South Africa 1994 – 1999.
Islam is a religion of mercy and tolerance
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book “Codes of Tolerance” (Herder 2014)
No tolerance for intolerance
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book “Codes of Tolerance” (Herder 2014)
Love is Tolerance
Tolerance is Love
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book „Love is Tolerance – Tolerance is Love”
The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of the human being
Charles Darwin, English naturalist and biologist (1809 –1882)
We must learn to live together as brothers, or we will perish together as fools
Martin Luther King Jr., African American Baptist minister and
leader of the civil rights movement in the U.S. (1929–1968)
The essence of all religions is love, compassion and tolerance
Kindness is my true religion
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama from Tibet, Buddhist wisdom
More tolerance is not good enough. We need to create an atmosphere of acceptance that embraces life in all its diversity
Jagadish “Jaggi” Vasudev, known as Sadhguru. Indian yoga guru, proponent of spirituality and founder of the Isha Foundation
Friede ist kein Naturzustand- er muss gestiftet werden
Immanuel Kant, prominent German Enlightenment thinker and philosopher (1724 –1804):
“Peace is not a natural state – it must be created.”
Gottes DNA ist die Vielfalt
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book „Love is Tolerance – Tolerance is Love” (2014)
“God’s DNA is diversity”
Steh auf, Du schweigende Mehrheit: für eine bessere Welt
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book „Love is Tolerance – Tolerance is Love”
“Stand up, you silent majority, for a better world.”
Sei entspannt, weltoffen, selbstbewusst und tolerant
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book „Love is Tolerance – Tolerance is Love”
“Be relaxed, open-minded, self-confident and tolerant.”
Cualquier tipo de intolerancia fundamentalista perjudica las relaciones entre personas, grupos y pueblos
Pope Francis on the Day of Tolerance, Nov. 16, 2020:
“Every kind of fundamentalist intolerance harms relations between persons,
groups and peoples.”
ライブ アンド レット ライブ
“Live and let live”
This is an internationally widespread saying: I show tolerance, respect and acceptance to my fellow human beings who I see as different. He should and may shape his life as he wishes, as long as this has no negative effects on my own way of life, he allows me to be myself in peace. I expect the same from him towards me. Thus, a two-way street of tolerance is created, a practical concordance of the diverse ways of life with sufficient free spaces for a self-determined individual life.
πιο όμορφη αρμονία προέρχεται από τη συνένωση
των αντιθέτων
Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (520 AD – 460 AD):
“The most beautiful harmony comes from bringing opposites together.”
Con cuori pensanti e menti amorevoli, plasmiamo un mondo migliore con amore umano, pace e armonia
Hubertus Hoffmann, from his book „Love is Tolerance – Tolerance is Love” (2014): “With a thinking heart and loving mind, we are shaping a better
world with love for people, peace and in harmony.”
Gurmukhi (from India)
“I have adopted the way of tolerance and given my mind to the
Satgur.” SGGS, p 932
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