The documentary LOVE IS TOLERANCE visited Molenbeek, a district of 90,000 in the Belgian capital Brussels. It has made headlines all over the world as the “European nest of ISIS terrorists” in 2015 and 2016.
The terrorists from the Paris attacks in November 2015 and the Brussels attacks from March 2016 were all living there.
We wanted to check what is going on and visited the people of Molenbeek and asked the major Francoise Schepmans
It was a delightful surprise. Peace is back in Molenbeek. And reconciliation and more tolerance too.
Last spring hundreds of young people came together, some with the Jewish kippahs (yarmulke) on their heads, many Muslims, some black, some white. But all of them were united in football just in front of the city hall.
Rabbi Aaron Malinsky, from Antwerp, brought seven young Jewish Orthodox boys to play soccer together. Not easy to convince their parents – but he did.
They played in mixed teams- one Jew, one Muslim, and one Christian. Soccer for peace. They want to win – together.